Monday, January 11, 2010

Kettu 2000's Other Shoes in English:

Kettu 2000 is a collective formed by three aspiring photography artists Emma Suominen, Pinja Sormunen and Vanessa Virmajoki. The collective’s project Other Shoes will be exhibited at Gallery Jangva in January - February 2010.
Other Shoes is a project were the artists swapped their lives for a week. They swapped everything; families, friends, apartments, jobs, schools, clothes, money, computers and phones. Before the exchange week the women had written some survival guides for the person stepping in their shoes, which were there to help to get through the week. The aim was to literally fill the other person’s shoes, but to also try to get a grip of the other person’s identity and way of thinking in the everyday life.

The life as the other was daily documented and interpreted by taking self-portraits. In addition to them each of the women documented the week using tools of their choice, for instance using video and text. The artists’ experiences of taking on the other’s identity, and its difficulties and successes, will be portrayed at Gallery Jangva in the form of a video installation.
The participants of the project are of the same age, but in pretty unalike life situations. Pinja Sormunen lives with her boyfriend in Eira, Helsinki, and is studying photography at the University of Art and Design. Pinja is also studying Japanese and her hobbies include e.g. meditating. Emma Suominen stepped into Pinja’s life.

Emma is a freelance photographer from Punavuori, Helsinki. Her everyday life consists of working, cultural avocations, sports and parties. Vanessa Virmajoki walked in Emma’s shoes for the week.

Vanessa lives in East-London with her brother and two other flat mates. She graduated as a photographer at summer 2009. Vanessa’s life comprises of miscellaneous photography jobs and includes an expansive and colourful social circle. Pinja Sormunen took on Vanessa’s life for the week.

Exhibition at Gallery Jangva 28.1. - 14.2. 2010

Open from Tuesday – Friday, 11-19, Saturday and Sunday 11-17

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